I have started a blog on several occasions but I have to admit that I am not very good at creating a diary. My ambition is to make at least one significant posting each week. But at the start I will make a number of entries that I have made over the last few weeks in word. I will use the same framework I have established for my lifewide activities to categorise my stories and their purpose is to 1) demonstrate my own commitment to lifewide learning and personal development 2) show how I am developing myself.
I have to admit that it was my son Navid who introduced me to weebly and after creating my own website - something I had wanted to do for a long time. In the past I had the excuse that I could not programme but the tools weebly (and others) provide have changed all this. Now it is just a case of spending a bit of time learning how to use the tools effectively. I am very impressed with guidance and tools weebly offers. The whole environment makes me feel creative and empowered, and because of this I think that this time I will persist with my blog.