Nevertheless, while this seems like a setback, part of me thinks its actually a good thing that we don't have to work to someone else's time scales and expectations. It does however mean that Chalk Mountain is going to have to pay for the cost of developing the scheme unless I can find some sponsors. Will be interesting to see how the other react.
From: norman jackson <[email protected]>
To: RussLaw <[email protected]>; jjenny <[email protected]>; JohnCowan <[email protected]>; NicholasBowskill <[email protected]>; BrianCooper <[email protected]>
Sent: Saturday, 21 April 2012, 12:03
Subject: RSA Catalyst Application - Learning Partnership Scheme
Disappointing news from RSA but I had already adjusted my expectations and in some respects I'm relieved so that we don't have the pressure to work to their time scale and expectations.But I still believe that it would be good to have RSA on board eventually.
have a nice weekend
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: RSA Catalyst <[email protected]>
To: 'norman jackson' <[email protected]>
Cc: Alice Dyke <[email protected]>; Michael Ambjorn <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, 20 April 2012, 19:46
Subject: RSA Catalyst Application - Learning Partnership Scheme
Norman, Thank you very much for your application which was recently judged by a panel with representation from both Fellowship Council and senior RSA staff.
Decision on grant
Unfortunately, Learning Partnership Scheme has not been awarded Catalyst funding.
Decision on other support
However, Catalyst is not just about awarding funds, it is also about trying to harness the expertise that resides within the Fellowship and the panel to support projects and so we are happy to provide you support of this kind.
The panel wanted to express that Learning Partnership Scheme was an interesting idea. The RSA has a keen interest in helping people reflect on their habits/behaviours, as you can read from our social brain project. The tools you propose seem to people to themselves reflect and let other see their learning experiences. As a first step, the panel suggest an introduction to the Fellow coordinating the coaching lunches at the RSA, to see whether there is any cross-over between the coaching they practice and the lifelong learning you propose. We would also be happy to search for Fellows at the Open University to see what they encourage students to use and to put you in touch with a Fellow building a network of institutions to share innovative practice and support a national strategy about education possibilities for adults for whom full time education is not an option. Networks Manager for the South East, Alice Dyke (copied in here), will lead on these connections.
Decision justification
The panel justified their decision not to award your project funding in respect of the following parts of the stated Catalyst criteria;- In the ‘need’ section of the application form, the panel ask for you identify similar services out there already to articulate the gap that you fill. The panel were not convinced that the proposed solution differs to tools already out there like Moodle and those available through the recently-launched National Careers Service- In the ‘your solution’ section, the panel ask for explanation of how your solution tackles the need identified. They were unconvinced because you did not substantiate the “simple tools provided.” The panel, of course, appreciate that space is limited in the application form. But in a competitive market, the panel did not see that as strong evidence that you would be able to articulate your offer to potential users. More to the point, they were unsure that if cannot identify exactly what tools are needed to help lifelong learning after three years of research (admittedly not all focused on this specific aspect), what Catalyst resources will be able to help you with.- This also related to the amount required section, where the panel were unclear how you could estimate the cost of services that you wanted to “develop outline proposals for.”
Next steps
Please get back in touch if you want us to support your project with the above connections to Fellows. It is worth bearing in mind that the panel will only reconsider any further application if you have convincing answers to the questions/challenges raised above. Any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Your feedback is always welcome,
Kind regards,
Alex WatsonFellowship Networks Manager, RSA Catalyst