Every story has a beginning, middle and end but not always easy to define the beginning, or any of these points for that matter, in an unfolding and interconnected life story. I have chosen a point in May 2006, five months after I had become Director of the Surrey Centre for Excellence in Professional Training and Education (SCEPTrE). This is the point we launched the Centre at a public event and it was here that we had to declare publicly what our mission or purpose was. Just before the event we invited an artist Julian Burton Delta 7 to help us create our vision in words. HE came armed with boxes of pastels and began asking us questions about what we were trying to do. As we spoke he turned our conversation into this picture which stayed on the wall of the Centre for the five years we occupied the space and we used it over and over again to show people our purpose - to explore what learning for an ever changing, complex and challenging world might mean. As an educator this picture crystallised a goal that I believe is worth pursuing and it has taken me down a path that has resulted me in creating this blog. So I think its a good point to start this story and provide an underlying reason for the lifewide learning enterprise I am involved in.