At one level – bringing something new into existence that when built seems to fulfil its purpose is, I suppose, a creative act, but it didn’t feel creative. Rather it felt like a steady process of constructing something from existing materials some of which I had readily to hand (you might say were waiting to be used) and some of which I had to go and buy. In terms of a process it felt like the way Tim Ingold describes making as a process of growth brought about through working with the materials. I want to think of making as a process of growth. This is to place the maker from the outset as a participant in amongst a world of active materials. These materials are what he has to work with, and in the process of making he joins forces with them, bringing them together or splitting them apart, synthesizing and distilling, in anticipation of what might emerge. (Ingold, 2013, p. 21)
So what motivated me to spend time and over £300 on making the sound pod. Well it wasn’t the idea of building a sound pod to put our lead singer in the box to stop annoying us. No, I was motivated by the bigger idea of producing our musical this year and making reasonable recordings of the songs. We tested an incomplete version of the sound pod and produced some recordings that were better than any we had produced before.