In commissioning the work the artist was sent a copy of the Guide and title page 'Learning through Life' A Guide to Reflecting on Experience. But the first sketch that came back was disappointing seeming to represent life as an up and down linear journey. (image 1). Following an initial email conversation that this did not represent the sort of understanding of lifewide learning that we were trying to convey, K created a series of sketches over a few days and I gave him feedback to move the imagery in the direction that contained more meaning for me and for the other people involved in our lifewide learning project. The following series of sketches depict the evolution of a new design through a continuous email conversation.
Sent: Thursday, 24 May 2012, 14:55
Subject: RE: chalk mountain commission
Hello Norman,
Please find the revised front cover image roughs. I have read the text you sent me and worked on the thought that Lifetime Learning is not linear and introduced a sort of jagged structure to try and indicate this rather that try the mountain based approach. I have also included typography in the illustration, to make the ideas much stronger, as well as adding more colours.
The image can be edited and I can move the text around and make them bolder. Please let me know your thoughts and if you feel this is the right direction for the rest of the illustrations. Please also let me know from the previous batch what needs altering or, after seeing this, if you would like all of them redone in similar fashion. I would be grateful if you get back to me as soon as you get this, the quicker your feedback, the quicker I can refine and edit the images.
Regards K
On 26 May 2012, at 08:38, "norman jackson"wrote:
Thanks kiboko this much better. Here is a little more guidance to help us get us there
1) Bottom left box needs the word DISCOVER under it and an image of someone finding something.. like a eureka moment .. perhaps kneeling down to look at a flower?
2) Image of person on the right needs the word LEARN written vertically behind him so the words around him are REFLECT, IMAGINE & LEARN
3 Top right figure needs to be kneeling putting his hand out to help the person climbing the ladder.
4) Get rid of two back packers at top and word DISCOVERY
5) The word next to the top figure lending a helping hand should be SHARE
6) I would also like the word LEARN to be written along the diagonal line where the boy is reading.
best wishes
Looking back it was an enjoyable experience working with K to produce an image that we both took ownership of. Although I did not create the image I did contribute to the form and content of the image so that it held the meanings that were important to convey in the guide.