I went for a walk with my daughter and grandson on Box Hill.. It was wet and very windy and quite bracing.. my grandson ran around quite wild as the wind took his breath away... Afterwards we went to the cafe for a hot drink and I picked up the National Trust leaflet called '50 things to do before you are 11 & 3/4'. It's a brilliant approach to encouraging lifewide activity, through which children (and their parents) can learn and develop, and a great way to encourage kids to explore the world and to talk about their adventures. Perhaps there is something in the approach that we could adapt for our lifewide development award. Could we perhaps use it as a design tool to encourage people to create a list of 10 new things to do during 2013 as a personal goal?
Postscript: I signed up as a learner and periodically I receive email prompts with suggestions of things I might do reflecting the time of year we are in..