Over the eight weeks that the course was run I engaged in many productive conversations, met and formed good relationships with many people, learnt about and used new technological tools and generally enhanced my understandings of many things. Looking back I can see and appreciate this as a rich learning and relationship building experience. As the course came to an end in late November I had the idea that we might use the affordance of Creative Academic Magazine to consolidate and share some of the learning gained through #creativeHE. The good relationships I had developed with the people in my group proved to be very valuable. Nikos and Rafaela volunteered to help produce the magazine and then Roger Greenhalgh also agreed to join the editorial group with Jenny and me. Together we wrote and produced the magazine which provides a means of curating the ideas that emerged through the process.
You can read the magazine by clicking here.
As we were finalising the magazine I came across #humanmooc (1) in my Twitter feed and followed the link to discover the Human MOOC.com website an instructor-led course that sets out to humanise on-line instruction. I was too late to join the course but felt that the idea of humanized instruction and community interaction in on-line environment established for the purpose of learning, resonated with my experience of #creativeHE. I loved the underlying wisdom in the principle of seeking to develop an environment within which our humanity can flourish. An environment in which people can trust each other and be sufficiently confident to share their personal experiences and reveal how they feel as well as what they know. My experience of #creativeHE was that it indeed felt like a very human experience replete with deep and meaningful conversations founded on shared experiences, caring, compassion, empathy, humour, insights and inspirations, creativity, commitment and new relationships and friendships. I hope that this magazine manages to communicate this, indeed I hope that this magazine is itself an extension of the humanised and humanising process that was #creativeHE.
1) #humanmooc http://humanmooc.com/
Stream and garden metaphors and images: http://humanmooc.com/syllabus/overview/
You can read the magazine by clicking here.
As we were finalising the magazine I came across #humanmooc (1) in my Twitter feed and followed the link to discover the Human MOOC.com website an instructor-led course that sets out to humanise on-line instruction. I was too late to join the course but felt that the idea of humanized instruction and community interaction in on-line environment established for the purpose of learning, resonated with my experience of #creativeHE. I loved the underlying wisdom in the principle of seeking to develop an environment within which our humanity can flourish. An environment in which people can trust each other and be sufficiently confident to share their personal experiences and reveal how they feel as well as what they know. My experience of #creativeHE was that it indeed felt like a very human experience replete with deep and meaningful conversations founded on shared experiences, caring, compassion, empathy, humour, insights and inspirations, creativity, commitment and new relationships and friendships. I hope that this magazine manages to communicate this, indeed I hope that this magazine is itself an extension of the humanised and humanising process that was #creativeHE.
1) #humanmooc http://humanmooc.com/
Stream and garden metaphors and images: http://humanmooc.com/syllabus/overview/