We are the products of nature and like all forms of nature we have a natural rhythm that connects to the natural cycles of the world around us. Like many English people I see spring as a time of renewal and I look for signs of spring from the meoment we pass the winter solstice. Each of these signs contributes to my sense of wellbeing and I am able to enhance this feeling through photographs and videos. This year, I have realised that I can make a more useful contribution to the annual cycle of renewal by investing my resources in helping to enhance biodiversity by planting bulbs and trees, and sowing seeds.
Today, is a special day. It’s the 24th anniversary of my first wife’s premature death and I attach particular significance to the forget-me-nots that seem to spring up everywhere as a beautiful and timely reminder of her continued presence. Connecting the sad memory of her death to these unassuming but colourful wild flowers always makes me smile and helps me feel more positive. They help ease my passage through this moment in my annual cycle. This year I have bought some forget-me-not seeds and I am going to try to cultivate more of these flowers along my woodland pathway (blog post starting-a-woodland-b-line.html).
Our memories are like a garden which we can cultivate and nurture and, at special times, experience the past and the emotions they draw. And perhaps, what this story reveals, is we can mediate the sometimes upsetting effects of our memories by connecting them, in a positive way, to the natural world around us. In this way nature helps us at a time of need.
We are programmed to seek, find and create meaning in our everyday lives and the personal meaning I give to the forget-me-nots at this time of the year is my way of trying to understand the meaning that is my life.