I saw that I was expected to set up a blog to share thoughts and reflections so being a task oriented sort of person this is what I'm doing. Then I had to decide what to put in it so here are my initial thoughts.
I forced myself to ask the question why was I doing it? As always I can come up with a multitude of reasons which is good because that means its worth doing.
First and foremost I can see it is an opportunity to be exposed to stuff that I didn't know about and to learn with people who are more knowledgeable than me or who are like me interested to find out more. In the world of technology I love discovering new tools that enable me to do things that I couldn't do before and this website is testament to the liberating power of web 2.0 tools.
I had a good example of this two weeks ago when I was introduced to explee by Chrissi and it has made a big difference to the way I present things. It fulfils a need that I have had for a long time and opens up new possibilities. So I am hoping that this will happen again during the BOYD process. Just once is enough.
I also want to see how this type of on-line community-based learning is facilitated as this is something I might try doing in future..
There is also an element of duty, of wanting to support Chrissi who has given me so much help and support in the things I am doing. More than that it's hard not to become infected with her enthusiasm and ideas.
What comes out of this may also be connected to another open learning project - creativity in development - I'm involved in..
And finally my son is also planning to get involved in the BOYD project so we can add a family dimension to our experience. I guess these are the reasons why I want to do it.
Goals? I want to discover some new tools and develop a sense of how they might be used so that I can use to better support the work of lifewide education and to have some enjoyment in the process. Beyond that I wait with anticipation to see what emerges along the way. Emergent stuff is usually far better than what is planned.
Anxieties? The message I picked up was that it's a process that can be adapted to any life so the challenge is to do this around other obligations. I am seeing it as a way of developing my own learning ecology. I suppose my main concerns are what people will think of me if I come across a bit naive and feeling overwhelmed by the volume and speed of stuff that emerges through the process.
Decisions? I guess I will just pick a topic and see what happens.